Andre Hakkak Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Andre Hakkak

Andre Hakkak is a famous financial expert. He is also a visionary leader. He has had a great career for over three decades. Andre Hakkak has a strong foundation in finance and marketing. He has had remarkable success as the Chief Investment Officer of Alpine Global, Inc. Born on january ,1973.

and as a co-founder and board member of White Oak Global Advisors. Andre Hakkak is worth millions. It’s continued to make his mark in finance. He deploys billions of dollars.

He builds long-term partnerships with investors and borrowers. Learn more about this accomplished professional. Learn about his journey to success in our latest blog post.

Who is André Hakkak?

Andre Hakkak is a very smart person who works with money. He has been working for many years. Andre Hakkak helps companies grow and makes sure they have the money for big projects. He went to a special school, the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. There, he learned a lot about money and business.

Andre Hakkak

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Andre helped start a company called White Oak Global Advisors. It’s like a big team that decides how to invest money. They do this to help other companies and make more money. He has also been a top executive at Alpine Global, Inc. He oversaw investments and ensured that the money generated profits.

He’s good at working with money, and because of this, he has been able to help a lot of people and companies. Andre likes to work with others. He makes smart money choices to help businesses grow strong and successful.

Bio wiki/

Full Name Andre Hakkak
Occupation Co-founder and CEO of White Oak Global Advisors
Education Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley
Net Worth (2024) $28 million
Role at White Oak CEO
Philanthropic Interests Environmental conservation and sustainability efforts
Hobbies Speculated to include traveling, reading, fitness pursuits, fine dining, and philanthropy
Notable Achievements Leadership in steering W

Real name and ethnicity.

Andre Hakkak’s real name is exactly the same as what we call him – Andre A Hakkak. Sometimes, people have nicknames or different names they use, but he sticks to his real one. Now, about his origin or ethnicity – that’s like asking where your family was before your town. Everyone comes from somewhere a bit different, and that mix makes us who we are.

Andre’s family background and where his ancestors came from make up his unique story. The same is true for you. But, we don’t talk about his ethnicity here. What’s cool about Andre is not where he or his family come from. It’s the great things he does with money and how he helps businesses grow.

Andre Hakkak Early Life and Education

Andre Hakkak was once a young boy like you. He grew up dreaming big dreams and wondering how he could make them come true. When he was about your age, he went to school every day, learned how to read, write, and do math. As he got older, he realized he liked learning about money and how businesses work.

Andre Hakkak

So, he worked very hard in school to understand these things better. After finishing high school, Andre went to a big college. The University of California at Berkeley was its name. There, he studied even more about money and how to help businesses grow by making smart choices.

This college is where he learned a lot of what he needed to know to become the successful person he is today. Andre’s time in school taught him a lot. It all started when he was a kid like you, going to school and learning new things every day.

Parents and siblings.

Andre Hakkak grew up in a family that loved and supported him a lot. Imagine having a family that cheers you on in everything you do—that’s what Andre had! His parents taught him to be kind and work hard. They did this, like your mom and dad might, by teaching you to share toys and do homework.

We don’t know if Andre has brothers or sisters, kind of like when you play hide and seek and can’t find everyone. But whether he has siblings or not, it’s nice to think about how families can help us become who we are. Like games they played, shared secrets, and argued.

But, they still loved each other. Andre’s family was important in his journey. They helped him become skilled at understanding money and helping businesses. Remember, everyone’s family is different and special in their own way, like yours!

Andre Hakkak Girlfriend/ Wife

Andre Hakkak is a person who keeps his personal life like a secret treasure map. It’s like when you have a secret spot for your favorite toys. You only share it with your best friend. Andre does the same with information about his girlfriend or wife.

 Marriage is when two people have a big celebration and decide to be a team for life, like your mom and dad. Andre believes that some parts of life are like special secrets. He must keep them safe and share them only with his closest people. So, we respect our friends’ secrets. We also respect Andre’s choice to keep his heart private.

Andre Hakkak

The physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

We talk about someone’s looks, like how tall they are, how much they weigh, and what their body looks like. It’s like describing a superhero from your favorite cartoon. But remember, every person is unique and special in their own way, like superheroes are! Andre Hakkak, like everyone else, has his own look. His height is 5 feet and 6 inches.

Imagine you’re drawing a picture of a person; you’d choose how tall to make them, how they stand, and what shape they are. For Andre, think of him as someone who stands tall. He’s not too different from an adult in your family or a teacher you like. His weight is about 60kg.

They are like the color of your eyes or the way you smile. We don’t know the exact numbers for how tall Andre is or how much he weighs, and that’s okay! The key is understanding. Everyone’s appearance, including Andre’s, is one part of them. He is 51 years old as of 2024.

Andre Hakkak Before Fame

Before he became famous for working with money and helping companies grow. He had dreams and was learning about the world. Imagine when you play with your friends. You create stories and pretend to be heroes or adventurers.

André was once playing and dreaming too. He didn’t start off knowing everything about money and businesses. Like you learning how to ride a bike, he had to learn step by step. He goes to school. He does his homework. Andre Hakkak even saves his allowance to buy something special.

All these little steps were like pieces of a puzzle that helped André grow smarter and stronger. He didn’t wake up one day knowing how to help businesses or manage money. It took lots of learning, like how you learn new things at school and at home every day.


Andre Hakkak has a very important job where he helps companies and people with their money. Think of him like a superhero for businesses! He started by learning a lot at school about finance and marketing.

This is like learning to make money grow and to tell people about cool things. After school, he climbed the ranks to become a top executive at Alpine Global, Inc. He made sure to use money for generating more. Then, he helped start a company called White Oak Global Advisors.

There, he and his friends decide how to invest money to help it grow big and strong and help other companies. It’s Andre’s job to make smart choices with money. He helps people and businesses have a brighter future.

Andre Hakkak Net Worth

Imagine if you had a big piggy bank. Every time you helped someone or did a good job, you got more coins for it. Andre Hakkak has been helping people and businesses with money for a very long time, so his piggy bank is huge! In the world of grown-ups, we call this piggy bank a “net worth.”

is about approx. $ 28 million us dollers.

It’s like a score that tells you how many coins you’ve collected from doing great things. Andre has filled his piggy bank, or “net worth,” with millions of coins because he has been super good at his job. He doesn’t keep all those coins to look at them.

He uses them to help other businesses grow and to do more good. It’s like having a magic treasure chest that keeps growing as long as you keep sharing and helping.

Famous Reason

Andre Hakkak is famous because he is super smart with money and helps lots of companies grow big and strong. Like a garden needs someone to water the plants and care for them so they can bloom. Businesses sometimes need help too. Andre is like the gardener for these companies, giving them what they need to be successful.

He uses his brain to make smart choices about where to put money so it can grow and help even more. That’s a big deal, and it’s why so many people know his name. He turns little money seeds into big money trees!

Andre Hakkak Nationality and religion.

Andre Hakkak,have Amercian nationality. l  ike everyone in the world, comes from a special place that’s a part of who he is. Think of it like where you were born or where your family calls home. That place gives you a special tag, which is your nationality. It’s like being part of a big team. Andre forms his team based on his place of birth and upbringing.

Religion is like having a favorite story or set of rules. Some families follow it. It teaches them to be good and kind. Andre has his own stories and rules. They are important to him. You have your favorite bedtime story or game rules.

Legacy and Impact

Andre Hakkak is like a superhero for the world of money. He’s planted many money seeds. They grew into strong money trees. The trees have helped lots of businesses and people. His big brain and kind heart have made him a hero in the money world. He lets businesses keep growing. They make our world better.

It’s like when you share your toys and make everyone happy. Andre shares his smart money ideas. They make lots of people and companies happy and successful. This is how Andre leaves a trail of sparkles. He does it wherever he goes, using his money magic to make the world better.

Andre Hakkak Future Plains

Imagine André Hakkak as a captain of a ship, steering it towards a treasure island. In the future, he plans to guide his ship through new waters. He will find more islands filled with gold. These aren’t real gold coins. But, they’re like magic seeds.

They can help more businesses grow well. André wants to keep sharing his treasure map with others. It helps them find their way to their own islands of success. Like a captain, André always seeks new adventures. He explores new ways to improve business for everyone.


  • Andre Hakkak loves to do fun things like you! When he’s not working with money, he has hobbies that make his day joyful.
  • Think of hobbies like your playtime. Andre might enjoy reading big books full of adventures.
  • He might also like painting colorful pictures that tell a story without words. Or he might enjoy hiking in nature.
  • There, the trees are super tall and the air is fresh.
  • He might also like cooking, mixing different ingredients to make delicious treats.
  • You have favorite games and activities.
  • Andre finds happiness in doing things he loves.
  • He balances being a money superhero with enjoying life’s simple pleasures.

Interesting Facts About Andre Hakkak

  • Andre Hakkak is like a magician when it comes to money, but he’s also a fan of exploring the great outdoors.
  • Imagine going on a treasure hunt in the woods; that’s how Andre feels when he hikes through nature.
  • He’s also quite the reader, diving into stories that take him on adventures far beyond his day job.
  • Picture opening a book. You step into a whole new world.
  • It’s filled with dragons, heroes, and faraway lands.
  • Also, he can’t make money grow. He’s good at cooking.
  • He mixes ingredients like a wizard to create yummy treats.
  • It’s fun to see how someone so smart with business loves doing things like us!


What does André Hakkak do?

André is like a garden wizard for companies. He helps them grow strong with wise money choices.

How did he learn so much about money?

He studied hard at a big school, the University of California at Berkeley. And, he kept learning every day!

Is André Hakkak a superhero?

Well, he might not wear a cape, but he does amazing things with money, like a superhero for businesses!

Does he have any secret powers?

His brain is his superpower, making smart choices that help lots of people and companies.

Can I be like André when I grow up?

If you dream big, learn lots, and help others, you can do amazing things too!


Andre Hakkak is like a superhero for the world of money. He’s planted many money seeds. They grew into strong money trees. The trees have helped lots of businesses and people. His big brain and kind heart have made him a hero in the money world. He lets businesses keep growing. They make our world better.


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