Rhea Ripley Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Rhea Ripley

Rhea Ripley has amazed the wrestling world since her debut in 2014. She continues to make a name for herself as one of the top female athletes. Demi Bennett was born in october 11, 1996. She is an Australian wrestler.

She has risen to fame with her impressive strength and skills in the ring. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Rhea Ripley’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki as of 2024.

Who is Rhea Ripley?

Rhea Ripley is a strong and cool wrestler from Australia. Imagine someone who can lift a lot and jump high; that’s her! She was born with the name Demi Bennett, but chose “Rhea Ripley” as her superhero name in the wrestling world.

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Like superheroes have special names, wrestlers do too. Rhea started wrestling as a teenager. That’s younger than most people start doing big things. She trained hard, learning how to wrestle and becoming super strong. Now, it’s she who fights in big wrestling matches on TV and has won many championships.

She’s like a real-life action figure, but much cooler because she’s a real person! Rhea has a lot of fans who cheer for her because she shows that with hard work, you can achieve big dreams.

Rhea Ripley

Bio wiki/

Ring Name Rhea Ripley
 Rhea Ripley Nick Names The Eradicator, The Nightmare,
 Profession(s) Professional Wrestler
 Rhea Ripley Height 5’8”
 Rhea Ripley Weight 77 kg
 Relationship Status Married
 Rhea Ripley Net Worth $4 Million
 Rhea Ripley Eye Color Blue
 Rhea Ripley Hair Color Blonde
 Wrestling Debut 2014
 Rhea Ripley Mentor Triple H, Scotty 2 Hotty
 Signature Moves Big Boot, Missile Dropkick, Headbutt
 Finishing Move(s) Riptide
 Theme Song / Rhea Ripley Song / Rhea Ripley Music Demons In Your Dreams

Real name and ethnicity.

Rhea Ripley is a cool name,  But when she was born, her name was actually Demi Bennett, That’s the name her mom and dad gave her. She comes from a place called Adelaide in Australia, which is very far away if you’re looking at a map! Rhea’s mom is special because she has family from Italy.

Italy is a country that resembles a boot on the map! So, Rhea has Australian and Italian ancestry in her family, which makes her unique. Imagine she could be eating delicious pasta from Italy. She could also have cool snacks from Australia! That’s pretty neat, don’t you think?

Rhea Ripley

Rhea Ripley Early Life and Education

Rhea Ripley was born as Demi Bennett. She had a sunny childhood by the beach in a place called Glenelg. It’s a spot where you can play in the sand and watch the waves crash all day long! She went to a school called Henley High School. Imagine going to school close to the beach; you could hear the seagulls during lunch!

Rhea wasn’t just any student; she was very active and liked to play sports. She learned how to be strong and fast, which helped her a lot when she decided to become a wrestler. Like in school, where you have to study and do your homework, Rhea practiced wrestling a lot. She wanted to be the best, and guess what? All that hard work paid off!

Parents and siblings.

Rhea Ripley, before she became a famous wrestler, was like any other kid. She was born to a family in Adelaide, Australia. Her mom comes from Italy, which is a country far away across the ocean. Imagine having a mom who knows how to make the best pasta! That’s super cool. Rhea also has a family like you might have – with parents who love her and brothers or sisters to play with.

We don’t know if she has brothers or sisters, but if she does, they must be proud of how strong and awesome she is. Families are like teams; they support you and cheer for you, like Rhea’s family does for her. It’s nice to think about how her family watches her win matches and celebrate together.

Rhea Ripley Boyfriend/ Husband

Rhea Ripley has a special person in her life, like when someone has a best friend they like to hang out with all the time. Buddy Matthews is the special person in Rhea’s life. Buddy Matthews is also a wrestler, so he knows all about the jumping and wrestling moves that Rhea does!

They are like a superhero team but in real life. Imagine having a partner who can be your teammate in fun. They also understand when you have a tough work day. That’s how Rhea and Buddy are for each other. They cheer for each other and help each other to be the best they can be, both in the wrestling ring and outside of it. It’s pretty cool to have someone who supports you like that!

The physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure

Rhea Ripley is quite tall. She is 5 feet 8 inches tall, which is as tall as stacking about nine and a half skateboards! When she steps into the wrestling ring, she looks strong and ready to win. Think of her like a superhero.

Rhea Ripley

They need to be fit enough to do those amazing moves. Rhea works hard to stay in shape. She eats healthy foods and exercises a lot. She doesn’t lift weights. Rhea Ripley also does exercises that make her fast and agile, like how a cat jumps. This helps her be a great wrestler because she can move and outsmart her opponents. Her weight is 77 kg.

Imagine how much energy she needs to have to wrestle and still smile for her fans! She’s not strong on the outside, but on the inside too. She shows us that fitness is about more than muscles. It’s about being the best you.

Rhea Ripley Before Fame

Before she became a star wrestler, Rhea Ripley was a girl. She was growing up by the pretty beaches of Glenelg. She loved playing sports and was always running around, being super active. Think about your favorite playground game. That’s how much Rhea loved being outside and moving! Even as a kid, she had big dreams.

She wanted to be strong, jump high, and be super fast. So, she worked hard in school and played lots of sports to learn all about being the best she could be. Like when you practice riding a bike and get better at it, Rhea practiced being strong and fast. She hadn’t been a famous wrestler yet. But, she was on her way, learning and growing every day. She was ready for her adventure to begin!


Rhea Ripley started as a young wrestler in Australia, which is like starting from scratch in a video game. She had her first big wrestling match in 2014, like when you try something new for the first time. It’s like imagining being a superhero.

You fight battles in different places. That’s what Rhea did. She traveled and wrestled, getting stronger and learning new moves. Then, she joined WWE, which is like the biggest playground for wrestlers. It’s where the toughest and coolest wrestlers compete. Rhea became a champion, winning big shiny belts to show she’s one of the best.

She even teamed up with another wrestler to win a tag team championship. It’s like winning a trophy with your best friend. Rhea keeps wrestling. She keeps winning matches and showing everyone how strong and brave she is. She’s like a real-life superhero.

Rhea Ripley Net Worth

Rhea Ripley has saved up a lot of money from being a professional wrestler. Imagine you have a piggy bank where you keep all the money you get for your birthday. Rhea has something like that, but it’s much bigger. She gets money for winning matches and for appearing on TV. It’s like getting an allowance for doing chores, but her chores are wrestling! Her net wortrh is approx. $ 4 million.

It’s like a secret treasure chest. She’s the only one who knows the combination. Think of it as a very, very big pile of coins and dollar bills. She uses some of this treasure to buy what she needs. She also saves some for later. And she might even get some cool toys or games, like you might want to with your allowance.

Famous Reason

Rhea Ripley is famous because she is a superstar wrestler! Imagine playing a video game where you level up by winning battles. That’s what Rhea does, but in real life. She fights in big matches on TV and wins shiny belts that show she’s the best.

People love to watch her because she’s strong, can do amazing jumps, and never gives up. Like superheroes in movies, Rhea fights hard and wins, making her a hero to lots of fans. She shows everyone that if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can achieve your dreams and be a champion too!

Nationality and Religion

Rhea Ripley is from Australia. People know Australia for its cool animals, such as kangaroos and koalas. Australia is very far away, at the bottom of the world! She was born in a city called Adelaide.

That makes her Australian. But remember, her mom’s family is from Italy, which is another country that looks like a boot. So, she has a bit of Italy in her too! We don’t talk much about what people believe about religion. People can think , and that’s okay. What’s important is Rhea shows us to be strong and kind, no matter where we come from or what .

Rhea Ripley Legacy and Impact

Rhea Ripley is like a superhero in wrestling. She shows everyone, especially girls, that they can be strong and brave too. She’s like a storybook character. She comes to life and does amazing things. She also encourages others to dream big. Rhea proves that it doesn’t matter where you start, you can reach for the stars and catch them.

She’s like a shining star, lighting the way for others to follow their own dreams. Rhea is a champion and kind. She is making a big splash. She shows everyone that being true to yourself and working hard is the key to success.

Future Plains

In the future, Rhea Ripley has big dreams, like you might have! She wants to win more wrestling matches and even get more shiny belts. Rhea also hopes to inspire boys and girls everywhere to follow their dreams, like she did. She might travel to new places, meet more fans, and teach others how to be strong and brave.

Imagine being a teacher, but instead of math or reading, you teach about being the best you can be! That’s what Rhea wants to do, showing everyone that with hard work and a big heart, you can achieve anything. Isn’t that an exciting future to think about?


  • Rhea Ripley loves doing fun things when she’s not wrestling.
  • She enjoys working out, which means she likes to lift weights and stay super strong.
  • But it’s not all about being tough; Rhea also has a creative side! She likes to play the guitar, making music that can make you tap your feet or feel happy.
  • Plus, she loves spending time playing video games.
  • In them, she enters worlds where she can go on adventures or solve puzzles.
  • She even likes to swim, splashing around and feeling like a fish in the water.
  • These hobbies help Rhea to chill out and have a blast outside the wrestling ring.

Interesting Facts About Rhea Ripley 

  • Rhea Ripley has a super cool tattoo that tells a story about her journey in wrestling.
  • She once had a fun match where she dressed up like a pirate!
  • Rhea isn’t strong; she can also sing pretty well.
  • Even though she’s tough in the ring, she enjoys watching scary movies for fun.
  • Rhea also has a big heart for animals and dreams of having lots of pets one day.
  • Plus, she’s a big fan of video games, playing them in her free time to relax and have adventures in digital worlds.


Do you wonder how Rhea Ripley got so strong?

She works out a lot and eats healthy foods to stay fit.

Can she play the guitar?

Yes, she loves making music in her free time.

Is it true that Rhea has a tattoo?

Yes, she’s got a tattoo that tells her wrestling story.

Does she like video games?

She enjoys playing them when she’s not wrestling.

Is Rhea Ripley her real name?

No, her real name is Demi Bennett, but she picked Rhea Ripley for wrestling. These are some fun things people ask about her!


In the end, Rhea Ripley shows us that dreams can come true if you work hard and believe in yourself. She’s like a superhero from Australia who teaches us to be strong, brave, and kind. Rhea is a champion in wrestling, but also a champion for following your heart and doing your best. Remember, it doesn’t matter where you start;

What matters is how much you believe and try. Let’s cheer for Rhea as she keeps wrestling, winning, and inspiring all us to be our very own kind of superhero. Go, it’s Rhea Ripley! Keep showing us how to chase our dreams and be amazing!


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