Sean Kyle Swayze Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Sean Kyle Swayze

Sean Kyle Swayze is a well-known American actor, born in Texas in 1962. He comes from a talented family with a dancer and choreographer mother, Jesse Swayze, and an engineering draftsman father, Jesse Wayne Swayze. Sean has four siblings – Patrick, Vicky Lynn, Don, and his adoptive sister Bambi. He spent his childhood in Houston and attended St. Rose of Lima Catholic School, Oak Forest Elementary School, and Black Middle School. Standing at 5 feet 7 inches and weighing 71 kg, Sean is rumored to have played football with his siblings growing up.

Who is Sean Kyle Swayze?

Sean Kyle Swayze is a famous American actor. He was born in a place called Texas in 1962. Sean has a big family. He has four brothers and sisters. Their names are Patrick, Vicky Lynn, Don, and Bambi. Sean went to some schools in Houston when he was little, just like you.

He liked to play football with his brothers and sisters. People know Sean because Sean acts in movies. That means he pretends to be different characters on TV or in films. He has done this job for many years, and many like watching him.

  • Full name: Sean Kyle Swayze
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: October 1962
  • Age: 61 years (as of April 2024)
  • Place of birth: Houston, Texas, United States
  • Nationality: American
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Hair color: Dark brown
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Height: 5 feet 10 inches (1.8 meters)
  • Weight: 80 Kg (176 pounds)
  • Sexual orientation: Straight
  • Marital status: Married
  • Spouse’s name: Jami Swayze
  • Parents: Jesse Wayne and Yvonne Helen Swayze
  • SiblingsVickie, Don, Patrick, and Bambi

 Early life and education

Sean Kyle Swayze grew up in a big family in Texas. He was the youngest of all his brothers and sisters. Sean went to some schools called St. Rose of Lima Catholic School, Oak Forest Elementary School, and Black Middle School.

He loved playing football with his siblings when he was not in school. Learning was fun for Sean, and Sean made lots of friends at school. He always tried his best in class and enjoyed his childhood days in Houston with his family.

Sean Kyle Swayze’s Real name

Sean Kyle Swayze was given his name when he was born. His real name is the same as what people call him today: Sean Kyle Swayze. Just like you have a name that your parents chose for you, Sean’s parents picked out his name, too.

They thought Sean Kyle Swayze sounded just right for him. So, whenever you hear about Sean Kyle Swayze, remember that’s his name from the start.

Sean Kyle Swayze Current Address

Like Sean Kyle Swayze, talking about where someone lives is private information. We should always remember that everyone, including famous people, deserves privacy.

So, it’s important to remember to only share or ask for personal details like someone’s home address with their permission, just like we wouldn’t want someone telling others where we live without asking us first.

Sean Kyle Swayze Nationality

Sean Kyle Swayze is American. He was born in Texas, in the United States. That means he is from America, just like someone might be from Canada or Mexico. Being American means he was born in a country with many states, and Texas is one of them. Since Sean was born there, he is an American, and that’s his nationality.

People from America are called Americans. So, when you think of Sean, you can remember he’s an American, just like many other people you might know.

Sean Kyle Swayze Age, Weight, Height

Sean Kyle Swayze was born a long time ago, in 1962. That makes him older than your parents might be! Right now, he’s 60 years old. Sean is not very tall; he is as tall as a little bit more than five rulers stacked end to end, which is 5 feet 7 inches tall.

He weighs as much as about 71 bags of sugar, but in kilograms, that’s 71 kgs. Just imagine carrying all those bags at once! Sean has grown up a lot since he was your age.


Sean Kyle Swayze has a mom and a dad. His mom’s name is Jesse Swayze, and she loves to dance and teach dancing. That means she could make really cool moves and show others how to do them, too. Sean’s dad was Jesse Wayne Swayze. He was brilliant at drawing building plans because he was an engineering draftsman.

Imagine drawing all day and making things that can be built! Sean’s parents were very talented, and they lived in Texas. They had a big family with Sean and his brothers and sisters.

Sean Kyle Swayze’s Siblings

Sean Kyle Swayze has a big family! He has three brothers and sisters: Patrick, Vicky, Lynn, and Don. He also has an adoptive sister named Bambi. They all grew up together in Texas. Imagine having so many siblings!

They could play lots of games and share many stories. Sean and his siblings liked to play football together. Having so many brothers and sisters to play with every day must be fun.

Sean Kyle Swayze, Wife/Girlfriend

Talking about who someone loves or dates, like Sean  Swayze, is personal. Just like some kids in school might like someone and keep it a secret, it’s the same with grown-ups. Sean Kyle Swayze might have someone special, but he likes to keep it to himself.

Respecting people’s privacy is essential, which means only asking a little about their personal life if they choose to share it. We might not know much about Sean’s love life, and that’s okay. It’s his story to tell when he’s ready.

Sean Kyle Swayze Children

Sean Kyle Swayze has not shared if he has any children. Sometimes, grown-ups like to keep some parts of their lives private, so they don’t tell everyone about it. Just like you might have a secret you only share with your best friend, Sean might have things he only shares with his family or close friends.

So, we need to find out if he has kids who play football like he did or if they go to school like you. It’s okay not to know everything about someone; we respect their privacy.

Sean Kyle Swayze on Wikipedia

Right now, there must be a Wikipedia page just for Sean Kyle Swayze. Wikipedia is a big website that provides information about many people, places, and things. But sometimes, only some have their page there.

It might be because people still need to write about them, or they keep their lives private. If you look for S  Kyle Swayze on Wikipedia, you might not find a page all about him for now.

Sean Kyle Swayze Ethnicity

Sean Kyle Swayze’s ethnicity talks about where his family came from a long time ago. Some of your friends might have families from different places worldwide, but Sean’s family has a unique background, too.

But we need the details about which country or part of the world his family is originally from. It’s like a puzzle piece of who he is that we have yet to find. So, we think about him as an American because he was born in Texas, in the United States.

 Presence on social media

Sean Kyle Swayze likes to keep his life private, so he only shares a little on websites like Instagram or Twitter, where people post pictures and talk about their day. Because he likes his privacy, it’s hard to find him on social media.

Just like we might not want everyone to know what we’re doing all the time, Sean feels the same way. So, if you’re looking for Sean online to see what he’s up to, you might find little. He prefers to keep things to himself.

Sean Kyle Swayze Career

Kyle Swayze is known for being an actor, which means he pretends to be different people in movies or shows. Just like when you play pretend with your friends and act as superheroes or characters from your favourite stories, Sean does the same thing on TV or in movies.

Acting is his job, and he has been doing it for many years. People enjoy watching him become a different character because Kyle does it well. Even though we have not talked about specific movies or shows he’s been in, remember, he loves acting just like you might love playing games or drawing.

Sean Kyle Swayze Net worth

Talking about how much money someone has can be tricky, but when it comes to Sean Kyle Swayze, many people are curious. While we don’t have the exact numbers, net worth means the total amount of money and things of value someone owns. It includes money he made from acting in movies and shows for Sean.

Remember, asking someone how much money they have is not polite, so we only talk about it when they’re okay with sharing. Sean has worked hard in his career so that he might have saved up quite a bit.Her net worth is $5ook.

 Future plans

Sean Swayze has many dreams for the future, just like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up. Even though he’s already an actor, he might want to act in more movies or be in a TV show everyone talks about.

Kyle could also think about making stories or helping other actors improve, like a coach. We’re still determining what he plans to do next, but just like you plan fun things with your friends, Sean is thinking about his next big adventure in acting.


  •  Sean Kyle Swayze loves doing things like you do when you’re not in school.
  •  He likes acting and playing pretend but for grown-ups and movies.
  •  Sean enjoys playing football. Remember when it said he played with his brothers and sisters? Kyle still loves the game.
  •  He also likes spending time with his family, just like you might enjoy playing with friends and family.
  •  Sean enjoys being outside, maybe going for walks or playing in a park. It’s fun to be in the fresh air.


1. **How old is Sean Kyle Swayze?**

He’s 60 years old, probably older than your mom or dad!

2. **Does Sean have any brothers or sisters?**

Kyle has three brothers and sisters: Patrick, Vicky, Lynn, and Don. He also has an adoptive sister named Bambi.

3. **What does Sean Kyle Swayze do?**

Sean acts in movies and TV shows. It’s like when you play pretend, but he does it on the big screen!

4. **Is Sean Kyle Swayze tall?**

Sean is 5 feet 7 inches tall. Imagine about five and a little more rulers stacked up – that’s how tall he is!

5. **Where was Sean born?**

He was born in Texas, a big state in America.


 Sean Kyle Swayze a man who loves acting just like playing pretend. He comes from a big family with brothers, sisters, and parents. He grew up playing football and going to school in Texas. Sean likes to keep some things to himself, which is okay because everyone should have secrets.

He’s been in movies, and even though we don’t know every movie’s name, we know he dramatically enjoys it. Remember, Sean is like us in some ways, loving his family, enjoying his hobbies, and having dreams for the future.


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