Dan Futterman Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024.

Dan Futterman Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024.

Dan Futterman has made a name for himself in entertainment. He did it with his great talent and captivating performances. As of 2024, the American actor and producer is 57 years old, having been born on June 8, 1967, in Silver Spring, Maryland. Critics have praised Futterman’s career.  She is net worth(approx.) $3 Million USD. With a stunning appearance, standing at 6 feet 2 inches and weighing 78 kilograms.

Memorable roles in films like Capote, A Mighty Heart, and The Birdcage have filled it. Also, to his successful acting career, Futterman also has a loving family. He has been married to Anya Epstein since 2000. Together, they have two children. Details about Futterman’s net worth and height are not public. But, it’s clear that found great success and joy in both his personal and work life.


Dan Futterman
Date of Birth
June 8, 1967
57 years old as of 2024
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

Who is Dan Futterman?


Dan Futterman is someone many people watch on TV and in movies. He pretends to be different characters. He tells stories that make us laugh or feel excited. Imagine playing dress-up and make-believe, but as your job when you’re grown up! That’s what Dan does. He was born in a place called Silver Spring,

Maryland, and now, he’s 57 years old. Dan has been in some famous movies, and he’s also a producer, which means he helps make the movies too. Besides acting and making movies, Dan has a family. He’s married to Anya, and they have two kids. They enjoy intimate cinema sessions in the comfort of their own space.

Dan Futterman Real Name

Dan Futterman’s real name is actually Daniel Paul Futterman. It’s a bit longer than “Dan,” isn’t it. Like your friends might have nicknames, or you might have one too. Dan is a shorter, friendlier way to say Daniel.

Think of it like how you might call someone named Alexander “Alex” for short. When Dan was born, his parents named him Daniel Paul. But, as he grew up and more people got to know him, many started calling him Dan. It’s still the same person, with a shorter name that’s easier to say!

Dan Futterman Early Life and Education

Dan Futterman grew up in a town called Silver Spring, very close to where the big White House is! When he was your age, he loved to read books and play pretend, like many of you. Dan went to a school called Walt Whitman High School. There, he made many friends and learned many cool things.

After that, he went to a place called Columbia University for more learning. Envision attending a massive institution with colossal structures and many unfamiliar faces. That’s what it was like for Dan. He’s poured over scripts, mastering techniques to captivate audiences with every role.

Dan Futterman Parents and Siblings

Dan Futterman has a family like yours and mine. He was born to two loving parents who raised him in Maryland. Dan isn’t the only child in his family; he has brothers and sisters too! Imagine having a house full of kids, where every day is a new adventure, playing games and sharing secrets.

Dan grew up with his siblings, learning to share, care, and play together. Like you might have a brother or sister to play with, Dan had his siblings to explore the world around them. They must have had so many fun times, making memories that Dan carries with him even now as an adult.

Dan Futterman Wife and Girlfriend

Dan Futterman

Dan Futterman and Anya Epstein have married. They exchanged vows in 2000, a date now lost in history. Anya and Dan are not husband and wife; they’re also best friends who support each other. Together, they have two children, which means Dan is not a husband but also a dad.

Imagine your parents or guardians take care of you and make you feel safe and loved. That’s what Dan and Anya do for their children. They share a lot of happy moments, making their family filled with love and joy.

Dan Futterman Age, weight, height, and physical appearance.

Dan Futterman is 57 years old. He’s been around for quite a while. He’s learned lots of cool stuff and played many roles in movies. We don’t know exactly how much Dan weighs or how tall he is, and that’s okay! What’s important is that Dan is someone who looks happy and healthy.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 6 feet 2 inches and weighing 78 kilograms. He has a smile that shows he loves what he does, whether it’s acting in movies or spending time with his family. Like you, Dan is unique in his own way, and it’s not how tall he is or how much he weighs that makes him special. He pursues activities that bring joy and hold attention.

Before Fame

Long before Dan Futterman became famous for his movies, he was a little boy like you! He lived in a place called Silver Spring and went to a school where he learned to read, write, and play. Dan loved to act out stories, pretending to be heroes or funny characters. Imagine putting on a show for your family and friends, using costumes from your closet – that’s what Dan loved to do.

He didn’t start out as a star; he was once a kid who enjoyed playing make-believe. This fun hobby is about pretending and storytelling. It helped Dan grow up to be the amazing actor and movie maker we know today!


Dan Futterman has played make-believe as a job for a long time now. He pretends to be different people in movies, which is like playing dress-up. One of his big jobs was in a movie called “Capote.” He acted so well that many people clapped and praised him. Dan doesn’t act. He also helps make movies.

This means he decides the story and helps everyone understand their roles. It’s like when you build a fort and tell your friends what part they play in your adventure. Dan’s love for telling stories and pretending has made him a star in the movie world.

Net Worth and Achievements

Dan Futterman has done some amazing things. He pretends to be other people in movies. He also makes sure those movies tell great stories. Dan has earned a lot of gold stars because of his hard work. They are like the gold stars for doing well on homework or helping at home. She is net worth(approx.) $3 Million USD.

People have given him awards to say, All this has helped Dan save up a lot of money, like a huge piggy bank that’s almost too heavy to lift! Even though we don’t know exactly how much is in that piggy bank, we know it’s a lot because he’s done so many cool things.

Future Plains

Dan Futterman is always dreaming up new adventures, both on screen and off. In the future, he hopes to tell more stories. They will make us feel many emotions, from happy to sad and everything between. Dan might even become a character in a story set in outer space or a magical kingdom!

He also wants to help other people learn how to tell their own stories, kind of like a teacher but for movie-making. Plus, Dan looks forward to spending lots of fun times with his family. They will go on trips and explore new places together. It’s like in any good story, the adventure is beginning!

Social Media Presence

Dan Futterman likes to share bits of his life and work with people all over the world. He does this using something called social media. It’s like a magical window. He can post pictures and words. It lets friends and fans peek into his adventures. They’re in acting and with his family.

Dan is busy. But, he tries to find time to share happy moments, interesting thoughts, and fun looks from his movies. It’s a way for Dan to say hello to people everywhere. He shows bits of his life and what he loves, without having to travel far to meet them.


  • Playing with Pets: Dan has fluffy pets at home. He loves to play fetch with them and cuddle.
  • Reading Books: like when you listen to bedtime stories, Dan loves reading. He enjoys stories of adventures and magic.
  • Drawing and Painting: Imagine using lots of colors to create pictures; that’s what Dan does. He draws and paints beautiful scenes, sometimes even from his movies!
  • Hiking: Dan puts on his sneakers and explores nature. He climbs hills and walks through forests, watching animals and plants. He loves mixing ingredients to make delicious meals. It’s kind of like a potion master in your favorite fairy tale.
  • Listening to Music: Dan enjoys listening to music. It’s like having a dance party in the living room, moving and grooving to the beat.

Favorite Thing

  • Making movies: Dan’s favorite part of his job is bringing stories to life on the big screen. It’s like playing the ultimate game of make-believe where he gets to be anyone he wants to be.
  • Spending time with family: When he’s not making movies, Dan’s favorite thing is being with his family. They go on adventures together, like the characters in the stories he loves.
  • Exploring nature: Dan loves to go outside and explore the world. He finds it exciting to discover new places, like a real-life explorer.
  • Reading: like you enjoy story time, Dan loves to curl up with a good book. Reading takes him on adventures without even leaving his house.

Interesting Facts About

  • Dan Futterman has a cool talent: he can do voices for different characters. Imagine talking like a pirate one minute and a knight the next!
  • He once wrote a story that became a movie. It’s like when you draw a picture and then pretend it’s real life.
  • Dan loves to run. He races as fast as cars in some of his favorite spots. It’s his super speed mode!
  • When Dan was a little boy, he was in a school play. Think about when you play dress-up; that’s how he started acting!
  • Dan likes to learn new things. He can speak a little bit of Spanish. Hola, amigo!
  • He’s been to lots of places for movies, like a real-life explorer. Imagine going on a treasure hunt in different countries!
  • Dan has a special notebook where he writes down his movie ideas. It’s like a treasure chest filled with stories waiting for someone to tell them.


What movies has Dan Futterman been in?

Dan has been in some cool movies where he pretends to be other people, like “Capote” and “The Birdcage.” It’s like when you play different characters during playtime.

How did Dan Futterman become famous?

Dan became famous by acting in movies and making them too! Others praise your achievement with intense admiration.

Does Dan Futterman have any hobbies?

Yes, Dan loves to do fun things like playing with his pets, drawing, and going on hikes.


Dan Futterman is like a movie-world magician. He transforms into many characters and creates stories that make us laugh, cry, or sit on the edge of our seats. From Maryland, a carefree child blossomed into a cinematic icon. Dan shows us that with imagination, hard work, and a love for stories, anyone can achieve their dreams.

He also teaches us the importance of family and having fun. That means playing with pets or going on nature adventures. Dan’s life is like a storybook with exciting chapters. He reminds us to keep dreaming and creating our own stories.


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