Morgan Macgregor Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Morgan Macgregor

Morgan Macgregor has become a household name as the wife of actor Michael C. Hall. But, she is much more than just a famous spouse. Born in Canada in 1987, Morgan is currently 37 years old as of 2024. With a successful career as a book reviewer and editor, she has made a name for herself in the literary world. In 2012, she began dating Michael C. Hall and the couple made their red carpet debut at the Emmy Awards that same year. They tied the knot in a simple ceremony at City Hall in New York in February 2016.

Morgan and Michael do not have kids. But, they have built a great life together. They bought a $4.3 million home on New York’s Upper West Side in 2017.

Who is Morgan Macgregor?

Morgan Macgregor is a very smart lady who loves books a lot. She reads them, talks about them, and even helps make them better for others to enjoy. Morgan is married to a man named Michael, who acts in movies and TV shows.

They met a long time ago and decided they liked each other so much, they got married. Morgan doesn’t just like books; she enjoys traveling to new places and making art. She and Michael live in a big house in a place called New York. Morgan is a kind person who shares her love for stories with everyone.


Morgan Macgregor
Date of Birth
 37 years old as of 2024

Real Name

Morgan Macgregor is her name, just like how some people have names that tell a story or have a special meaning. You have a name that your friends and family call you. Morgan is called by her name at home and at work.

Sometimes, people ask if she has another name, like a nickname. But, Morgan Macgregor is the name she uses in books, at work, and with friends. It’s a name that sounds like it belongs to someone who loves stories, and Morgan really does love stories a lot.

Early Life and Education

Morgan Macgregor grew up in Canada, a beautiful place with lots of trees and snow. As a little girl, she loved reading books. She would sit for hours with her nose in a book, getting lost in magical worlds. Morgan went to school just like you, where she learned about math, science, and how to write stories.

She loved going to the library and picking out new books to read. School was fun for her because she got to learn new things every day. As she got older, she kept loving books, which helped her become really good at helping to make them as an editor.

Parents and siblings.

Morgan Macgregor grew up with her family in Canada. She has parents who love her very much. Just like you might have brothers or sisters to play with. Morgan might have them too. But she keeps that part of her life private, so few people know about them. Imagine having fun in the snow and reading books together as a family.

That’s probably something Morgan enjoyed doing when she was younger. Families are special. They care for each other and share many happy moments. Morgan’s family must be proud of all the great things she does.


Morgan’s husband is Michael C. Hall, a very famous actor who plays in movies and shows on TV. They met each other, fell in love, and decided to get married in a place called New York. Michael is known for being in a show named Dexter, where he solves mysteries.

He and Morgan go to fancy events together. They go to events like the Emmy Awards. He wear beautiful clothes and smile for pictures. They don’t have any kids, but they share lots of love and have fun living together in their big house in New York. Michael loves Morgan very much.


Morgan Macgregor and her husband Michael C. Hall have decided to not have any children. They share a big house filled with love, books, and lots of space for adventures just the two of them. They focus on spending time together and exploring new places. He also enjoy their hobbies, not children.

They both love their life full of stories, travels, and quiet moments. Like in a storybook, Morgan and Michael create their own happy tales. They make each day special and full of love.

Morgan Macgregor physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Morgan Macgregor stands tall like a grown-up, at about 5 feet 7 inches. And her weight is 60kg.

Morgan looks just right. She seems to like reading and adventures. She’s not too heavy or too light. Morgan just perfect for her height. She’s strong and healthy, which helps her do all the things she loves.

Morgan Macgregor Before Fame

Before Morgan Macgregor was grew up in Canada, where it can get really cold and snowy. When she was little, she loved to read any book she could find. Morgan went to school where she learned lots of things that helped her become smart.

She enjoyed learning so much that she kept studying and reading lots of books. This love for reading helped her know that she wanted to work with books when she grew up. Morgan’s dream was to share her love of books with everyone.

Morgan Macgregor Career

Morgan Macgregor has a cool job working with books. She started as someone who loves to read and talk about stories. Then, she decided to make this her work. Morgan helps make books better as an editor. This means she reads stories and gives advice on how to improve them. She also writes about books, sharing her thoughts with others as a book reviewer.

Morgan worked at a special place called the Los Angeles Review of Books. Here, she shared her love for stories with even more people. Morgan’s job is all about books, and she’s really good at it!

Morgan Macgregor Net Worth

Morgan Macgregor has saved up a lot of money from her work with books. Imagine if you had a piggy bank and kept putting coins and dollars into it every time you did a really good job. Over time, that piggy bank would get full!

That’s what Morgan did. But instead of a piggy bank, she worked hard reading and talking about books. Now, she has estimated net worth is about $2 million. It’s like having a giant piggy bank full of money because she does something she loves a lot.

Morgan Macgregor Famous Reason

Morgan Macgregor is known by many people because she is married to a famous actor, Michael C. Hall. Michael acts in movies and TV shows, making him very popular. When Morgan married Michael, it’s more people started to know who she is too.

They go to big events together. Cameras take pictures of them. Sometimes, these pictures are shown on TV or in magazines.

Morgan Macgregor Nationality and religion.

Morgan Macgregor was born in Canada. It is a big, beautiful place. This makes her Canadian. Canada is known for its cold winters and friendly people. Just like everyone has a home where they come from, Canada is Morgan’s home.

As for religion, some people believe in it and might go to a church or temple. Morgan keeps her beliefs private. That means she doesn’t talk much about it. Some things are special to you. You might only share them with family or close friends.

Morgan Macgregor Legacy and Impact

Morgan Macgregor might not be as famous as a fairy tale princess. But, she is creating her own magic in the world. Morgan works with books and shares her love for them. She helps other people find stories they will love too. Imagine if someone helped you find your favorite book; that’s what Morgan does for many people.

She loves reading and writing. It’s like planting seeds for beautiful story gardens. They grow in people’s hearts. This makes her special. Her work and kindness make the world better. It’s a world filled with more stories and smiles.

Morgan Macgregor Future Plains

Morgan Macgregor has lots of dreams for her future. She wants to keep loving and sharing stories with everyone. She also plans to visit more new countries with her husband, Michael.

They want to see beautiful sights and learn about different people. Morgan hopes to make more art, maybe even have her art shown in a gallery for others to see. She loves trying new things and wants to keep learning every day. Morgan’s future looks as exciting as the stories she loves!


  • Morgan loves to read lots of books. She enjoys stories and learning new things from them.

  • She writes too. Morgan shares her thoughts and stories by writing.

  • Exploring new places is fun for her. She travels with her husband to see different parts of the world.

  • Morgan enjoys cooking. She tries making new dishes in the kitchen.

  • Art makes her happy. Morgan likes looking at paintings and sometimes creates her own art.

  • She spends time outdoors. Walking in nature and visiting parks are things she loves.

Interesting Facts About Morgan Macgregor

  • Morgan was born in Canada, which is a big country with lots of snow!

  • She loves books and works with them as an editor.

  • Morgan married a famous actor named Michael, who was in a TV show called Dexter.

  • They went to a fancy event together in 2012 wearing pretty clothes.

  • Morgan and Michael bought a big house in New York where lots of movies are made.

  • She is as tall as 11 books stacked on top of each other!

  • Morgan has a big smile and likes to share it with everyone.


How old is Morgan Macgregor?

She’s 37 years old as of 2024.

Does Morgan have any kids?

No, she and Michael don’t have kids.

Who is Morgan married to?

She’s married to an actor named Michael C. Hall.

What does Morgan do?

She loves books and works as a book reviewer and editor.

Where does Morgan live?

She and her husband live in a big house in New York’s Upper West Side.

How tall is Morgan?

She is about as tall as 11 books stacked up, which means 5 feet 7 inches!

What are some things Morgan likes to do?

She loves reading, writing, traveling, cooking, and making art.


In the end, Morgan Macgregor is a very interesting person with a love for books, art, and adventures. She has a happy life with her husband, Michael, and they live in a big, lovely home in New York. Morgan is very tall, like a stack of 11 books, and she always has a big smile to share.

She enjoys many fun things. She likes reading, writing, cooking, and exploring new places. Even though she is married to a famous actor, Morgan is special. She is so because of the things she loves to do and the way she shares her stories and art with the world.


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