Isla Atkinson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Isla Atkinson

Isla Atkinson is a well-known 11 year-old girl from the United Kingdom. She is the daughter of famous actor and comedian Rowan Atkinson and his former wife, Sunetra Sastry. Isla comes from a creative family and has been in the spotlight since birth. With her father’s successful career, Isla gained popularity at a young age.

Who is Isla Atkinson?

Isla Atkinson is a young girl whose dad is very famous. Her dad makes people laugh on TV and in movies. Isla mom is special because she makes people look good for TV shows and movies.

Isla is 7 years old and lives in the United Kingdom, where there are many castles and rainy weather. She has a brother, and they both get a lot of attention because so many people know Dad. Isla is growing up and learning new things every day.

Early Life and Education

Isla Atkinson is a young girl who started learning many things very early. Like other kids, she goes to a school where she learns to read, write, and make friends. Because her dad is famous, some people might think she has a different kind of school life, but she enjoys learning just like you do.

Isla loves drawing and playing with her friends at school. Her teachers say she is a very bright and happy student. Like any kid, she has subjects she likes more and finds some tricky.


Age 7 years as of 2024
Birth Date 2017
Place Of Birth USA
Nationality American
Residence USA
Religion Not Available
Father Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean)
Mother Louise Ford
Siblings Non
Height 3ft Estimated at the age 4 years
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Blond
Net Worth Her Father has an estimated $150 Million Net Worth

Real Name

Isla Atkinson real name is just that – Isla Atkinson. Sometimes, when someone is famous or their parents are well-known, people might think they have a unique or different name.

Isla name is simple and pretty, just like her. It the name her mom and dad chose for her when she was born. She doesn’t use any other name for movies or TV because she not an actress like her dad. She just Isla, a regular girl with a unique name that fits her perfectly.

Isla Atkinson Current Address

Isla Atkinson lives in a big, beautiful house in the United Kingdom. This place has many green grass, gorgeous flowers, and big trees. The United Kingdom comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

We are still determining exactly where her house is because keeping her safe and private is essential. Just imagine a place where it rains a bit, but it beautiful and green everywhere when the sun comes out.  She enjoys playing in her garden and spending time with her family.

Isla Atkinson Nationality

Isla Atkinson is British. This means she comes from a place called the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has four parts: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. People who live there are called British. Isla was born in this special place, so she is British too.

British is part of who she is, just like you might be from a place that is special to you. She shares this with many other kids and grown-ups in the United Kingdom.

Isla Atkinson Age, Height, Weight

Isla Atkinson is 11 years old. This means she has celebrated her birthday 11 times! We don’t know how tall 3 feeet 4 inches or how much she weighs 20kg. Just like you, Isla grows a little bit taller every year.

Since she still a kid, these things change constantly because kids grow up fast. She is like other kids who are 7; some days, they feel tall, and on different days, not so much.


Isla Atkinson Parents

Isla Atkinson dad is Rowan Atkinson. He hilarious and makes many people laugh in movies and TV shows. He known as Mr. Bean, a funny character who does silly things without talking much. Isla’s mom is Sunetra Sastry.

She is very good at making people look excellent for movies and TV because she a makeup artist. They both love Isla very much, and she loves them too. Her parents are from a place where they have many stories to tell, and they help Isla learn new things daily.

Isla Atkinson Husband

Isla Atkinson is still a young girl, only 11 years old. She is not married, so she does not have a husband. Kids her age learn in school, play with friends, and have fun with their families. Just like you might have friends you enjoy playing with, Isla enjoys her childhood.

Marriage is something that grown-ups do, so it something other than what Isla has to think about right now. She has lots of time to grow up, learn new things, and think about that stuff later when she is much older.

Isla Atkinson Children

Isla Atkinson is only 11 years old and is a child. This means she doesn’t have any children. Kids her age are busy learning in school, playing games, and having fun with their friends and family. Isla enjoys doing all these things, too.

She spends her days learning new stuff, drawing, playing outside, and spending time with her brother and parents. Being a kid is all about having adventures, making memories, and growing up a little every day. She is doing just that, living as a happy and curious kid.

Isla Atkinson Wikipedia

Isla Atkinson needs a page on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a big website that provides information about many people, places, and things. But only some have their page there, especially if they are still young, like Isla.

Her dad is famous, Isla is just like any other kid and enjoys doing kid things. So, she needs to get a page about her on Wikipedia right now. When she grows up and does amazing things, she might have one.

Twitter ,facebook , Instagaram

Isla Atkinson is too young to have Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram accounts. These are places on the internet where people share pictures and stories and talk to each other. But, because Isla is only 7, she spends her time playing, learning, and having fun instead of being on these websites.

Kids need to enjoy being kids and not worry about social media. Plus, staying on the internet is very important, and Isla’s family ensures she is safe and happy.

Presence on social media

Isla Atkinson is too young for social media. Websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are for older people. Instead of being online, Isla enjoys playing and learning new things.

It more fun for her to explore the world around her and spend time with her family and friends. Social media can wait until she older. Playing games and having adventures is the best way for her to grow and be happy.

Isla Atkinson Career

Isla Atkinson is still very young, only 7 years old, so she doesn’t have a job like adults. Her most important “job” is to go to school, learn, and play. Just like you might dream about what you want to be when you grow up, Isla might be dreaming, too.

One day, she will become an actress like her dad or do something completely different. Whatever she chooses, she has lots of time to think about it. For now, being a student and having fun is her career.

Isla Atkinson Net Worth

Isla Atkinson is still very young and needs money like grown-ups. Her dad, Rowan Atkinson, has made much money by being funny and acting in movies and shows. But Isla is just a kid, going to school and having fun. She doesn’t work, so she doesn’t earn money right now.

Her family ensures she has everything she needs to be happy and learn. One day, Isla might decide to have a job and make her own money, but for now, she’s enjoying being a child.Her net worth is $500k.

Isla Atkinson Future Plane

Isla Atkinson had many dreams and ideas about what she wanted to do growing up. She is learning and playing right now, which is perfect for her age. In the future, she might choose to be in movies like her dad or find a different path that makes her happy.

Isla has a lot of time to decide what she likes and is good at. She may travel, help people, or create something new. Whatever she decides, her future is bright and full of possibilities.

Isla Atkinson Hobbies

Isla loves to draw pictures. She uses lots of colors.

Playing outside is fun for her. She runs, jumps, and plays games.

Isla enjoys reading books. Stories about adventures are her favorite.

She likes to spend time with her pets, giving them cuddles.

Playing with her brother and friends makes her happy.

Isla also enjoys puzzles and building things with blocks.

Isla Atkinson FAQs

  • What Isla favorite thing to do?
    Isla loves drawing and playing outside. She enjoys taking pictures and having fun with her brother and friends.
  • Does Isla go to school?
    Yes, Isla goes to a school just like other kids. She learns reading, writing, and lots of exciting stuff.
  • Can Isla be seen on TV?
    Isla isn’t on TV. She an ordinary girl who enjoys being a kid, playing, and learning new things.
  • Is Isla on the internet?
    Isla is too young for social media. She spends her time playing and learning, not on the internet.


Isla Atkinson is a happy 11-year-old girl who loves to learn and play. She has a famous dad and a caring mom, but she’s just like any other kid. Isla enjoys drawing, playing outside, and spending time with her family.

She too young for jobs or social media, and that’s okay because being a kid is all about having fun and growing up. One day, Isla might decide what she wants to do when she grows up, but for now, she’s busy being a wonderful kid.


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